Element Cycle & Element damage

As already mentioned in "General", elemental circuits have been developed for a strategic aspect and elemental damage has been added to them. A circuit is divided into superior and inferior. Superior stands for an element that is superior to another element, and inferior for an element that is inferior to another element. Bonuses have now been added to bring the strategic aspect to life.

Clockwise, the superior circulation is active. The inferior circulation is active in an anti-clockwise direction.

Cycle of the earth elements

Cycle of the ghost elements

TypeBonus damage or reduction

Superior element attacks Inferior element

Superior receives an attack damage bonus of: 20%

Inferior element attacks against superior element

Inferior receives an reduction in attack damage of: 15%

This system makes it very important to choose the right elements to cause the most damage and increase your defence as much as possible. Visualisation of the relationships between the elements:


Ice >>

<< Fire

Fire >>

<< Nature

Nature >>

<< Ice

Dark >>

<< Holy

Holy >>

<< Spirit

Spirit >>

<< Dark

Deals 20% more damage to >>

<< Reduces the damage by 15% from


  • The attacker's card element is ICE and the defender's card element is FIRE: 20% bonus attack damage for ICE

  • The attacker's card element is ICE and the defender's card element is NATURE: -15% attack damage for ICE

Last updated